Customer Testimonials

Here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

"I am so glad to finally have a customs broker with a physical office AND actually a licensed broker here in Albuquerque again"  -Albuquerque Importer


"This town has needed a customs broker here for almost 3 years now, your business is going to grow very quickly as the only one operating at ABQ" -Local Trucking Company


"Having to use a customs broker out of state has caused us many communications and delivery delays that we hope to reduce or eliminate now that you have opened an office here in New Mexico" -Sante Fe Artwork Importer


"Those out of state customs brokers are focused on their local customers, I am glad we have someone here in New Mexico again that will be focused on New Mexico customers."  -New Mexico Importer


"When our customers and suppliers insist on arranging shipments to/from us we always cringe becasue it never goes as smoothly as when we use you" - Import/Export Client Automotive Industry


"We have been so pleased by your service, even though our supplier arranged the transportation, which did not go very well.  Next time we will let you arrange the transportation, and not just the customs brokerage" - Food Manufacturer in Taos.


"We are so happy to have a local company with such a wealth of knowledge to help us with all of our import/export compliance requirements." - Solar Industry client


"I have to say, I am really Happy with you guys, you have been a great help, and for the first time in years I feel informed of the progress of our shipments." Purchasing Manager in Rio Rancho